Placement of Bins

Battery recycling bins are placed in more than 6.000 locations all over Cyprus for the easy and immediate service of the public.

Battery Collection

When a bin is full, collection crews are responsible for emptying it and transporting its contents to a specially designed and licensed management facility in Cyprus for sorting and storage.

Battery sorting

Light sorting is carried out at the handling facility to remove foreign materials.

Shipment to factories abroad

The battery waste is sent to licensed management facilities abroad, where it is recycled in order to recover essential and useful components.

Information and awareness raising

We use modern and traditional media to reach the public and highlight the importance of battery recycling for both the environment and human health.

Systematic monitoring and achievement of quantitative targets

All System operation processes are monitored, aiming at the maximum and most efficient collection of used batteries at the lowest possible cost as well as the achievement of the quantitative targets set by the legislation.

Reports to Stakeholders

Reports to the Competent Authority of Cyprus which is the Department of Environment, the Shareholders, Members of the System, and to the Public.

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